Resolution Sunday!!!
Yes, I have finally taken the time to sit down and share our Resolution Sunday with you. What a wonderful Service we had! We had 4 men decide to make the Resolution!
Marc, Alyosha, and Pastor Tony singing a special.
Something went wrong with the video, so this picture will have to do. :)
Here is a picture of the Table where the men signed their Resolution.
Pastor Tony, Vadim, Alyosha, and Valentene
We recorded each man saying their resolution to their family, but I decided not to post those considering it would take a LONG time to upload. But you can take it from me, it was a very touching time. I was so glad that the video was not recording through my eyes otherwise it would have been pretty blurry.
Here is a copy of Tony's Resolution.
Each one was given a nice frame to put their Resolution in so they could hang
it up in their home in a very special place.
Our special meal after the service. Not everyone is in this picture. There were others who were busy in the other room. :(

Great to see you blogging again! I look forward to keeping up with you and your church this way. :-)